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Cramping 3 weeks after Methotrexate
Cramping 3 weeks after Methotrexate
Found out of my ectopic pregnancy and was quickly given my methotrexate injection as my levels were low (728mU/I). I have experienced few side effects, just some tiredness and the odd pain here and there. My levels have been dropping and are now at 40mU/I, I had the injection 3 weeks ago.
I had about 5 days of bleeding 2 weeks after the injection, levels were around 200mU/I. I think this was the first bleed and my lining shedding (so therefore not a period). My pregnancy unit did rescan me to ensure all was ok and confirmed that there was no rupture or free fluid and despite the mass still being in the tube, the medication is working.
However over the last 24 hours I have been getting cramps, much like period pain. No sharp pains, or temp or bleeding. But bad enough for me to take paracetamol. I did have a busy day yesterday so I’m wondering if maybe I have just over done it. I don’t feel like it’s bad enough for an A&E visit but would benefit from some reassurance.
My mental health since being diagnosed with this pregnancy has declined, I am very much a person that takes things in my stride, but now I feel crippled by anxiety about every pain and niggle I feel. I don’t want to waste the time of medical professionals, and ask for another rescan for nothing!
Thank you for any advice or support anyone can give.
- Posts: 690
- Joined: Fri Nov 20, 2015 10:26 am
Re: Cramping 3 weeks after Methotrexate
I am so sorry to hear that you suffering from this ectopic pregnancy and loss. Ectopic pregnancies are physically and emotionally traumatic, and they can leave us with many questions.
You are right in the middle of this experience, and I encourage you to be very generous and patient with yourself. Please allow time to rest, especially as you are on MTX, which will have its own side effects. It is very natural to be concerned about sensations and pain, and please don't be afraid to contact your doctors at any time.
I do not want to worry you; you know your body best. It's important to be mindful of your symptoms until you reach non-pregnant levels under 5mIU/mL, as there is, unfortunately, still a chance of rupture. The symptoms of a deteriorating ectopic pregnancy, which include worsening or progressively increasing pain; vaginal bleeding; shortness of breath; feeling faint; and pain in the tip of the shoulder, among others, may become noticeable. If you suffer any of these symptoms, you will need to be reassessed.
Your hospital will give you a number to contact for health advice if you feel that anything is changing, or you will have been told to report to the Accident and Emergency Department (A&E). If you have not been told what to do and need to speak to someone ring the hospital department which is treating you or the NHS 111 Service by dialling 111.
Please continue to look after yourself and prioritize yourself. We are here for you for as long as you need us.
With good wishes,
The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust
Registered Charity Number: 1071811
Ectopic pregnancy patient information suite: Highly Commended in the 2019 BMA Patient Information Awards
If the information provided here or through the EPT website has helped you, you can donate towards our support services, volunteer, or fundraise to raise awareness.
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Detailed medical information can be found on our website. Please remember online medical information is NO SUBSTITUTE for expert medical advice from your own health care team
Re: Cramping 3 weeks after Methotrexate
Since writing that message I have completely rested and listened to my body and fortunately the cramping and pain has eased significantly. Just back to the odd twinge, which I think is where I’m overly sensitive now to everything that is happening in my body, especially given how anxious I am for this all to be over.
It is such a testing time emotionally, so I really appreciate the reassurance you offered me as well as giving me the confidence to seek medical help again if I feel I need it!
Thank you again! X