Physical Recovery

Medically Reviewed by:Jackie Ross BSc MB.BS MRCOG& Professor Andrew Horne MB ChB PhD FRCOG FRCP& Professor Colin Duncan BSC(hons), MBChB(hons), MD, FRCOG
Last Reviewed:01/06/2021
Next review date:01/06/2024
Written by: The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

Give yourself time to heal

Your body is likely to go through a demanding process of recovery following an ectopic pregnancy and it is important that you be gentle with yourself and give yourself time to heal.

Because such an invasive and frightening experience has occurred, it is not unusual to become worried about any symptoms you may experience and to have many questions racing through your mind. You may also find that you have different questions about your body at different stages after treatment.

Detailed general information can be found here on our website. Please remember that online medical information is no substitute for expert medical care from your own healthcare team.

Help to continue our crucial work by donating to The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

We don't charge for any of our services. You can donate £5 to support the much-needed resources that we provide for anyone affected by ectopic pregnancy. We sincerely thank you for any donation that you are able to make.

Explaining Ectopic Pregnancy: Physical Recovery

What do you have questions about?

Learn more about post ectopic pregnancy pain during recovery

Learn more about the post ectopic pregnancy wound site and recovery

Learn more about other symptoms during recovery from an ectopic pregnancy

Learn more about what to expect during your hospital follow up

Learn more about returning to day-to-day activities

Learn more about bleeding and periods after an ectopic pregnancy

Learn more about contraception post ectopic pregnancy

Learn more about trying to conceive post ectopic pregnancy

Get in touch

If you or someone you know needs support with an ectopic pregnancy, please feel free to contact us.

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