We help healthcare professionals to support patients’ emotional well-being
The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust’s patient information packs have been produced with input from world-renowned healthcare professionals specialising in ectopic pregnancy and early pregnancy. The packs include general information about ectopic pregnancy along with individual leaflets on the treatment routes and pregnancy of unknown location.
We collaborate with professional networks and organisations to present the patients’ voice.
We have strong links and work collaboratively with many professional networks and organisations and provide the patients’ voice to help inform guidance.
To read reports, please visit our reports page.
To request copies for your unit, please see our leaflets page.

Think Ectopic resources
- NICE guideline [NG126] Ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage: diagnosis and initial management (Published 17/04/2019)
(EPT Director sat on Guideline Committee as Lay Member and EPT was a stakeholder in the consultation process)
Key points:
NICE guidance states:
The rate of ectopic pregnancy is 11 per 1,000 pregnancies, with a maternal mortality of 0.2 per 1,000 estimated ectopic pregnancies. Women who do not access medical help readily (such as women who are recent migrants, asylum seekers, refugees, or women who have difficulty reading or speaking English) are particularly vulnerable. Improvement in the diagnosis and management of early pregnancy loss is therefore of vital importance, in order to reduce the incidence of the associated psychological morbidity and avoid the unnecessary deaths of women with ectopic pregnancies.- NICE guidance
- RCOG Diagnosis and Management of Ectopic Pregnancy Green-top Guideline No. 21 (Published 04/11/2016)
- RCN Pocket Guide for Ectopic Pregnancy (Published 02/11/2020)
(The EPT supported the RCN Pocket Guide for Ectopic Pregnancy)
- ESHRE paper on terminology – for describing normally-sited and ectopic pregnancies on ultrasound: recommendations for good practice
- ISUOG Practice Guideline – Performance of First Trimester Fetal Ultrasound Scan (Issue 1, January 2013)
- Laparoscopic Management of Tubal Ectopic Pregnancy (Consent Advice No. 8) RCOG advice for clinicians in obtaining consent of women undergoing laparoscopic salpingectomy or salpingotomy for ectopic pregnancy
- UK consensus guidelines for the delivery of unexpected news in obstetric ultrasound: The ASCKS framework
- RCN – Managing the disposal of pregnancy remains
- HTA – Guidance on the disposal of pregnancy remains following pregnancy loss or termination
- Revised Guidance on the Disposal of Pregnancy Loss Up To And Including 23 Weeks and 6 Days Gestation (Scotland)
- Infant cremation code of practice: third edition (2019) – These Guidelines are applicable to all pregnancy losses before 24 weeks
- National Bereavement Care Pathway resources including Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy and Molar Pregnancy Pathway (guidelines updated 16/08/2022)
(The EPT was extensively involved in drafting the Pathway for Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy and Molar Pregnancy)
- RCEM Learning Bleeding in Pregnancy (Published May 2021)
- Early Pregnancy Problem – discharge advice (Glasgow Royal Infirmary, 2011)
Professional Pause - A safe discussion and reflection space
We know that as health professionals, you often see patients at their most distressed and vulnerable – and that providing care and support at a traumatic time can have an impact on your emotional wellbeing. Our new Professional Pause sessions are here to help and provide a safe space for all healthcare professionals working in early pregnancy to discuss and reflect on challenging aspects of your work. These free online sessions, facilitated by Helen, from the Miscarriage Association, and Joanne, from The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust, will be a monthly open forum to discuss difficult situations or cases, enable people to share experiences, and offer each other support. Please contact for more information or reserve your space below.

EPT Talks - arrange an online session on ectopic pregnancy
Other information you may find useful
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Downloadable leaflets for professionals