Turn your daily shopping into every day magic by registering with easyfundraising to start earning free donations to The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust.
With over 8,100 brand partners to choose from, each time you make a purchase a small donation is made to your chosen cause (The EPT) at no extra cost to you. Every three months, donations are transferred to the charity to help ensure we can continue offering information and support to those affected by ectopic pregnancy.
Get started:
- Start by visiting the easyfundraising website or download the app from the App Store or Google Play
- Register and select The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust as your chosen cause to support
- Browse the 8,100+ brand partners and select the one that you would like to shop with
- Click on the retailer and shop as normal and when you check out the retailer makes a donation!
How it works
Most brands pay a % of what you spend with them as a donation, and some retailers pay a flat amount regardless of the amount you spend.
Using easyfundraising does not add any cost to your online shopping. The brand covers the cost of the donation meaning it’s 100% free to use!