On the 24th September 2017, I found out I was pregnant with a baby I would never get to see, never get to hold. A lifetime of things we would never share. My life was at risk. My first surgery would leave scars on my body. I was the 1 in 80 women suffering an ectopic pregnancy.
I needed support, but more so, I needed to know that I wasn’t alone. I needed my voice to be heard that my daughter existed, however fleetingly. So I went to Facebook and The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust was one of the first pages I came across. Through that page and another for women who have experienced the same pain, my daughter was validated. She is still validated.
Three years later I was preparing my first batch of Rhubarb and Rose Petal Jam for my recently started business and it struck me the irony of making a jam using rose petals on my angelversary and so my charity jam was born.

$2 from every jar of Tahlia’s Rhubarb and Rose Petal Jam is donated to The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust. May 19th should have been my expected due date and the date I chose to transfer donations I have raised to this amazing charity.
It is only a small amount to some but it is from my heart, and through continued sales of Tahlia’s Rhubarb & Rose Petal Jam, not only do I get to continue to support this charity, I keep my baby’s memory alive.
Update May 2022 – We are so grateful to Cindy as she continues to produce her beautiful jam and has donated for the 2nd year.
Another year has passed knowing we could have been celebrating Tahlia’s birthday.
Instead I made my 2nd donation to The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust from sales of my Tahlia’s Rhubarb & Rose Petal Jam.
It is an honour to have to such a special way to keep my baby girls name alive while supporting such an important charity.
To follow Cindy’s business take a look at her Facebook page