Dear Luna-willow,
From the moment I saw that second little blue line, I didn’t believe it! I had to do an extra 3 tests just to confirm! From then on, I had an overwhelming love for you. Mummy and daddy waiting so long for you. We were going to be parents again after 17 and 19 years (respectively) but we were so, so excited! You were loved from the moment we saw that positive test!
A few days later, mummy went for an early scan. But the sonographer couldn’t find you where you should have been. You were confirmed as an ectopic. My HCG levels were through the roof and from that day it was a blur. I got taken to surgery where you were parted from me.
I don’t care what anyone says, for those few short weeks that you were growing inside me, I was your mummy. I’m still your mummy and always will be! My gut instinct knew you were a beautiful little girl so I named you Luna-willow.
I decided to give you a funeral as that was the only thing, I had control of over you. It made me feel like your mummy for those few short moments. Your forever bed is also my go to place when I’m missing you.
I’ll never forget you Luna-willow. Your date of birth is etched onto my heart forever. Until the day mummy can hold you in her arms you will stay in my heart.
Love mummy xxx
Thank you to Cheryl for sharing her letter with us. If you would like to share your experience of ectopic pregnancy, please visit our guide for more information.
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