Welcome to 2021
A very warm welcome to our first 2021 EPT1000 Challenge Newsletter
We’d like to start by welcoming all our new challengers. It is always so lovely and exciting for us to have new people join the EPT1000 and we welcome everyone into our challenge family.
This edition is mainly focused on a few tips, staying in touch and a little spotlight on Leanne who has just joined the challenge and managed to get her story into her local newspaper.
Please remember we have resources and materials available via the below link and please never hesitate to shout if there are any other materials that you think would help you on your #EPT1000 journey that aren’t already included at https://ectopic.org.uk/get-involved/fundraising/
#EPT1000 Keeping in touch
We know that with lockdowns and restrictions over the last 12 months the challenge may not have been how you envisaged and it has been harder to get out but hopefully with the hint of Spring around the corner things will start to brighten up.
Please remember our Facebook community where Lois and myself are there to help, support and motivate as well as offering peer support. So do head over and either introduce yourself, update us or just say hi. We love seeing your update photos and if you fancy doing a short video (under a minute in landscape) that would be amazing too.
We also have an exciting new mini group challenge starting soon, as well as other group events and competitions in the pipeline.
We are really excited to introduce Natalie, into the group who is the EPT press officer, and has joined the EPT1000 challenge with her husband James this year. As well as helping you with getting your story to press Natalie is on hand to also guide and support you with any help you may need sharing your story across social media, setting up blogs etc.
#EPT1000 Strava Club
Don’t forget we have set up our very own Strava Club please do take a look it would be lovely to have some of you join up to the club. To join just follow this link:
#EPT1000 Top Tips
Here are some of our top tips to hopefully keep you motivated. Please do feel free to share any of your top tips that have helped you through your challenge,

#EPT1000 Challenger Spotlight – Leanne
Take a look at how Leanne is fantastically raising awareness
Leanne who has recently joined the EPT1000 challenge has appeared in her local newspaper. By bravely sharing her story and highlighting the condition, Leanne is raising incredible awareness. Leanne says that The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust helped her with information and support when she needed it most. Doing the challenge, she says is a way to thank the EPT, we would also like to thank her so much for her support and look forward to following her challenge. To read the full article please click here.

Spring 2021
Welcome to our May 2021 EPT1000 Newsletter
We hope this email finds you safe and well and that the gradual easing of lockdown provides you with more opportunities within your individual challenges and a greater sense of positivity.
In this edition we update you on the recent EPT mini challenge and give news of an exciting competition coming soon – with a fantastic prize to be won! We also introduce some of our team members, who are always on hand should you require any help and support throughout your challenge.
Mini Challenge Update
Congratulations to those of you who took part in the EPT mini challenge earlier this spring – not only adding an extra 5km to your #EPT1000 challenge total, but also earning yourself a limited edition medal!
Don’t worry if you missed out this time, keep your eyes peeled across our social media channels for news of another mini challenge later in the year.
Keep up to date with all our news by following us on facebook (The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust), Instagram (@ectopicpregnancy) and twitter (@theEPT).

Meet the Team

Summer 2021
Hello and Welcome to our Summer 2021 #EPT1000 Newsletter
With more easing of restrictions happening (or in the pipeline) in most parts of the UK, we hope that this, combined with the better summer weather, is helping you with your challenge.
With this in mind, some of you may be off on your holidays. Whether you’re escaping to sunshine abroad or having a staycation exploring the UK have a wonderful time! Holidays can be a fantastic boost for your totals and we’d love to see wherever you take your challenge so please do share some photos with us on our special Facebook #EPT1000 pagehttps://www.facebook.com/groups/1832305567041580 or tag us on Instagram @ectopicpregnacy Don’t forget to use #EPT1000 too.
The return of Parkruns

Parkruns are a great way to add 5km to your totals every Saturday morning. They’re free, timed events so you can track your progress if you run the same course, or you can even tourist and try new courses across the world! Run might be in its name, but many people just walk and that’s fine too, there’s no pressure to finish in a set time and a friendly tailwalker will always be last. You can sign up and print the barcode you need to take with you here https://www.parkrun.org.uk/
We also have our own running club on there! So whether you’re new to parkrun or a seasoned pro, please join us by searching for “Ectopic Pregnancy Trust” in the groups section of your profile.
Challenger Top Tips
This month’s top tips come from Natalie who started her #EPT1000 challenge 1st February and has done 406 miles already!
Routine – I’ve found that having a set time to take part in my challenge really helped me kick start – and stay on top of my miles. It’s something I look forward to and miss when I don’t do!
Change of scenery – Switching where you do your challenge is a great way to reinvigorate yourself if you need a boost, or help getting back into it after a break.
No Pressure – Don’t push yourself too far. If you need a day off have one. Be kind to yourself and always listen to your body.
We’d love to hear from you and discover your own top tips for completing your #EPT1000. If you’d like the chance to have your tip/s featured in a future newsletter, please emaillois@ectopic.org.uk .
#EPT1000 Challenger Spotlight - Sharron Baldwin

When did you start your #EPT1000 Challenge?
I started my challenge on 1st January 2021 and covered a distance of 959.11 miles in 29 weeks.
What have been your highs and lows of your challenge?
It’s been great getting out and about, seeing new places and exploring in whatever weather. My first walk back in January was thick with snow and it was difficult walking up the hills where I live, but it was all made worthwhile when I spotted a little robin that I stopped to watch for a while, I knew that my Robyn was watching over me and I found it quite emotional. I spot robins quite a lot when I’m out walking which brings me some sort of peace so it spurs me on. Taking on the EPT 1000 challenge was important for me to have something positive to focus on and to raise money for such a wonderful charity by raising awareness in something that is so common, yet not talked about. I have since found out that 4 of my friends have also had an ectopic pregnancy in the past, but it’s still something people don’t talk about.
What are your top tips for other challengers?
The challenge fits around my daily life and I have almost worn my trainers out, so a good pair is a must. I have also pushed myself by doing extra miles doing the 5k & 10k mini challenges earlier this year too actually running a whole 5k (something I never thought I could do!) I’d definitely recommend taking this challenge on as it’s good for the mind and it has given me a sense of purpose.
Christmas 2021

Welcome to our Christmas 2021 EPT1000 Challenge Newsletter
Well, what another year it has been, and we can’t thank you all enough for your dedication and fundraising efforts despite the extra challenges that have been thrown our way again. Whether you’re just setting out, or you’re an EPT1000 finisher, the awareness you’ve all created as well as your amazing fundraising is helping the Ectopic Pregnancy Trust to support more people at an especially difficult and isolating time.
It’s been wonderful following your progress on social media and seeing so many of you not only covering your 1000 miles/km in style, but also taking on extra challenges for the EPT. This year has seen several of you also complete the 80in1 in August, the Walk of Remembrance during Baby Loss Awareness Week and our 5k and 10k mini challenges. Not to mention the extremely popular 8 days to 80 squats Challenge in the EPT1000 Facebook group! Please don’t forget that our support services remain available to you at any time, so if this festive season heightens your emotions, you can get in touch with us in a variety of ways https://ectopic.org.uk/how-we-can-help
Recommend a Friend

Whether the end of the year see’s your challenge come to a close, you’re still in the thick of your miles or have just joined why not suggest to a friend that they take on the challenge too?
With New Year resolutions in mind, it’s the perfect opportunity to encourage others to cover their own 1000km or miles in 2022. You don’t have to have been directly affected by an ectopic pregnancy to do the EPT1000, so if you’ve friends or family who fancy a challenge we’d love to see them join.
Keep Going

With the festive season upon us it can be hard to keep the momentum going. The days are darker, the weather chillier and not to mention all the festivities that will be taking place. Christmas is the perfect excuse to pause on your miles.
BUT before you do – remember how good getting out in the fresh air can make you feel. The sense of achievement you get from ticking off yet another chunk of miles. The sense of peace and the chance to collect your thoughts a stint of walking, running or cycling can bring. Remember all this and KEEP GOING! And if you have family or friends staying over the festive period – take them out with you!
12 Days of Christmas

Do come and join us over on our dedicated EPT1000 Facebook group where we will be celebrating this festive season with our own 12 Days of Christmas! From information to share to Festive Fun, we’ve got it covered. Dig out your Christmas Jumper and join in!
Spotlight on Lizzie

How far into your EPT1000 Challenge are you?
I’m very nearly there!! The last time I added up how many miles I’d completed it was 881.6 miles that was 5 days ago!! I started this challenge on Christmas Day last year so have 55 days left to complete the challenge but aiming to be done by the 23rd November as this was my return to work date after my operation.
How far into your EPT1000 Challenge are you?
I’m very nearly there!! The last time I added up how many miles I’d completed it was 881.6 miles that was 5 days ago!! I started this challenge on Christmas Day last year so have 55 days left to complete the challenge but aiming to be done by the 23rd November as this was my return to work date after my operation.
Why did you decide to take on this challenge?
My partner and I had already had 2 miscarriages before our ectopic pregnancy (our second being on Christmas Day 2019…) on Friday 31st October 2020. I was very lucky that my partner had read up about the signs of an ectopic pregnancy as I honestly knew nothing about it! We had been for a scan earlier that day where they’d told us they couldn’t locate the pregnancy and to go back on Monday for another scan. I didn’t make it until the Monday! My Fallopian tube was removed on the 1st November and I was signed off work for 3 weeks. The dread of Christmas coming round and bringing up memories of the previous year was quickly upon us and I knew I had to turn these negatives into a positive. After my ectopic pregnancy we turned to the Ectopic Trust and Tommys (can we mention another charity?) for support, advice and to learn more about what we’d just been through! That’s when I found out about the challenge… and where it all began!
What have been your highs so far?
It’s been really nice going out for walks and runs here and there – especially during lockdowns! It’s given me a real focus and it’s been great to raise awareness and raise money for such a great charity.
What advice would you give to a new challenger?
It’s hard to find positives when you’re going through loss, mental struggles and physical pain but doing this focus’ you a little, gets you up and out and especially in the early days when you’re still a bit sore from surgery it gives you a reason to get back to everyday life… as tricky as it may seem. Use the challenge as a reason to go for walks with friends and family and more importantly to talk to people about your journey.
We are very proud and grateful to our past and present EPT1000 Challengers. Each person commits to an incredible 12-month challenge working hard and getting great satisfaction from ticking off the miles/kms and raising amazing and crucial funds and awareness.
If you want to read more about some of our past Challengers, please take a look at their stories including why they signed up which might inspire you to join too. Take a look at information about the EPT1000 Challenge or email our Fundraising Co-ordinator who is happy to help: Jill@ectopic.org.uk.